Who am I?

A mixed media artist from the mountains of Northern California…

Coming from a family of makers art has been a constant in my life in one form or another. My parents, a junior high school welding teacher, and a homemaker who sewed, braided wool rugs, and wove pine needle baskets raised five kids with a hard work ethic and plenty of imagination.

After the passing of my husband in 2007, I was forced to rebuild a life for myself and my kids. My emptiness demanded creative expression. I returned to college to complete my bachelor's degree (2012) and then Master’s (2014) in Studio Art. School gave me a sense of accomplishment and independence that helped me heal. That initial plunge paved my way into the fine art world.

My work has been shown all over the country, including Los Angelos, San Francisco, Seattle, Denver, and New York. I have been awarded several 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Honorable mention awards for my paintings and sculptures. I have also served as a judge for a mixed media exhibition. Recently, I was accepted to exhibit in Artsy.net (the world’s largest art marketplace) and have been published in Spotlight magazine.

I was born an artist. It’s just taken me years to remember.

“That you are here — that life exists…that the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.”

— Walt Whitman

My art is my verse.

Oldies and Goodies

College sculpture classes led to welding found objects and mechanical parts which were soon joined by stiffened knitting. Masculine and feminine elements both combined and contrasted.

School also offered me the opportunity to play at the foundry. Some of my prized pieces are aluminum castings of my mother’s hand. Living with Alzheimers, her final years were both heartbreaking and inspiring. She did not understand the process of molding of molding her hand, but was thrilled to be helping me.